Monday, October 23, 2006

طريق فيصل بن عبدالعزيز

Smoking starts as a mistake. I remember how I started smoking. Two mistakes not just one!

When I started smoking I must've been at least 14 or 15 years old, a highschool freshman. I just couldn't help but think that smoking would add to an appearance of masculinity or rather machoism to be specific. However up until I was 18, I never really smoked. I was merely puffing the smoke out; I never inhaled!
Now with my first year in Kuwait University.. I made the second mistake of inhaling. I wasn't a smoker then.. I mean I never inhaled before so I wasn't addicted to it. So I became a smoker.

It starts as a mistake, but when it becomes a habit it's no longer a mistake but rather a part of your daily life that you grew accustomed to eventually. I personally need to have a cigarette in my mouth when I'm depressed, happy, tired or energetic. When I'm relaxing in a cafe reading a book, I cannot imagine the taste of coffee or tea without a good inhale from a good marlboro. When I mean I can't.. I actually mean I can't.

I remember I once turned the lights of my room off, and sat next to my window which overlooks the neon-lit street. I couldn't imagine a cigarette could have a better taste than that of a depressed man overlooking a neon-lit street.

I'm in Iranian music season now. I began accessing the Iranian Music folder in "My Music". Looking in the Windows Media Players library for the many CD's I ripped and forgot about. One CD I love is The Tree of Life, a collection of instrumentals by the best of the best masters of Iranian music. I should leave in less than an hour to run some errands then I'm heading to Salmiyya to buy some Iranian CDs. I can't hold it.. I want more music! Shahram Nazeri, Asghar Bahari and maybe Shajarian. Problem is... I HATE THE SALESMAN.. he keeps insisting that I listen to what he recommends of stupid modernized traditional music. I know why I'm here.. I'm here to buy so-and-so and that's it! I once spent a whole hour listening to music I don't like.. he was abit annoyed to find that I, after an hour of listening to almost every CD in the store, decided still to buy the one I came in to buy in the first place. But he never stops!

What do you think...
How come streets in Kuwait are named after every royalty in a neighboring country?

I'm not into pop-culture politics.. like the Orange thing going around. But if those people would change that about Kuwait.. I'm Orange!
When I can drive in streets named after people whom I respect. When I see that everyone despite their financial, social or political state are as respectful of the law as those who "ma 3nduhum '6ahar".


Blogger Reem said...

great post!!
i really really wish that u quit smoking, from the bottom of my heart although i kinda like it ;p
salesmen/women drive me CRAZY.. i was buying some eyeshadow and the woman kept hovering around me and then starts qi6ing her face and so.. ma a7b chethi, i love to shop peacefully, and if i need smth i will ask...
streets names are big time sucking up strategy.. who knows ;p
i wish all ppl would respect themselves first, if i had a gun while im driving MAN!! a lot of stupid Bs and As****es would be dead by now
loved it loved it loved it BIG TIME!
keep it up sir :D

3:30 PM  
Blogger Shwaish said...

hmmm, well i used to wonder why some streets are named after saudi royalty, and when i was a kid, i thought it was because kuwait was part of saudi min ziman, which turns out ino it wasnt, so i guess its just social/political niceties or something, i dnt think its sucking up though. and the salespeople are dayim annoying, and they usually make me not buy the stuff i came to buy lano 5alla9 iy6afshooni, and abt smoking, madre, dnt quit, but if ur still smoking the brand u did when we were at college, i hope u at least change it

4:20 AM  
Blogger antihero said...

Its not social/political niceties.. its the policy of fear of a government that pays no attention to its people and concerns itself with the satisfaction of a more powerful dangerous neighboring nation(s). This was the case with Iraq too and Iran pre-Islamic Revolution.. ah.. bah :P
In politics.. some countries fear others. Our government is afraid of everyone. The problems of our people are not solved if it involves confrontation with another nation.

Don't get me started! :P
Thanks princess :)

8:58 AM  
Blogger antihero said...

I guess i'm becoming more open with salespersons.. if I don't like the price i wouldn't try to find an excuse.. i'll just go "i like these pants.. but i don't like the price.. I'll come around your next sales". But the problem is.. you become a friend with a salesperson in the only store in kuwait specializing in selling these things.. you got this store or that's it.. so you have to be nice.. otherwise he can be pretty nasty and just not help me out.. so i have to put up with him


9:00 AM  
Blogger felicityq8 said...

hi there ,,,

congrats for the new blogspot :)

hmmmmmm, i would rather not to comment on the smoke part, coz if i talked from now till tomorro i wouldnot be done ;p

but try to watch " one day in a ciggaretts life" or in arabic يوم في حياة سيجارة which will be viewed in MBC 1

bout the iranian songs, well, not really like it, but there is a song which is really Ngaziah :) and hehe i couldnot understad a word plus it's title :X

4:07 PM  
Blogger antihero said...

nah.. i hate the new stuff.. i like classical iranian.. pretty soft and classic. orchestral kind of music with great old poems for lyrics :D
get me the song's title and i'll get the lyrics translated for you :P

I'm never into new stuff.. whatever i listen to must be old and classic :D wa7ed 3teej :P

4:32 PM  
Blogger antihero said...

hey tinkerbell

There should be a project for naming major streets after regular everyday citizens.. you win a draw; the first prize having elda2eri elawwal named after you for one year, and that goes for all major streets :P

wouldn't that be a fantastic idea.. ah.. i can just imagine i'd love my name to replace "share3 el7ub"

11:50 AM  
Blogger felicityq8 said...

yaaaaay some one finally will translate the words which i have memorized without understanding them lool

thanx hun

seeya around :)

3:38 PM  
Blogger Chica Bonita Q8 said...

i'm sure by now you have had several people try to convince you to quit smoking but thought maybe the fact that it's a turn off to most women is a motivator but anyway i'm not telling you anything you don't know already but hope you find it in you to quit ..

As for persian music, I don't know what kind you're into but if you do understand farsi do yourself a favor and get Haydeh's song Ayare Man .. There are so many persian songs I'd recommend but here's one for now ( I posted the lyrics on my site a couple of months) let me know what you think of the song ..

10:30 PM  
Blogger antihero said...

Hey chica bonita!

I know Haydeh.. but never thought of actually buying any of her albums.. i guess i'm going to do so soon. I don't really understand farsi.. i can get my way around Reading them..but i can never get it Listening to it :D i'm only beginning to learn farsi.

I usually listen to Shahram Nazeri, Shajarian, Davod Azad.. that kind of stuff :)

11:35 AM  

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