Friday, November 24, 2006


It took me 2 hours to explore only 1/3 of hall 5. I enjoy drinking coffee (smoking is taken for granted) and discussing issues plaguing the literary and cultural life in Kuwait and the world with friends of interests that interest me personally! People that you enjoy listening to them talking about themselves, poets, novelists, writers in general.. lets see

I came back home and realized when my father started to look through the books I bought that 75% of the books I bought (and will buy later) are about theatre.
يوم الخميس

العدد الثاني و الثالث و الرابع
الحولية بصراحة تحتوي مقالات و مسرحيات و تقارير يندر الحصول عليها و فيها بحوث متميزة عميقة و تخصصية , تصدر عن دائرة الثقافة و الاعلام في الشارقة

إعداد الممثل أم إعداد المتفرج ؟
د . مشهور مصطفى

المسرح مستقبل العربية
عصام محفوظ

لغة العرض المسرحي
د . نديم معلا

التقنية في المسرح
اللغات المسرحية غير الكلامية

د . حمادة ابراهيم

أصل الفروق بين الجنسين
أورزولا شوي
ترجمة : بو علي ياسين

تاريخ الكويت
الشيخ عبدالعزيز الرشيد

أثر الاستشراق في الفكر العربي المعاصر
عند إدوارد سعيد , حسن حنفي , عبدالله العروي

د. نديم نجدي

يوم الجمعة

جماليات البروفة
جواد الأسدي

تقنيات تكوين الممثل المسرحي
د. ابراهيم غلوم
قاسم محمد
د. عوني كرومي

نشأة الكويت
ب . ج . سلوت

and more to come.. I saw a lot of books on theatre that I need to buy!
I read لغة العرض المسرحي as soon as I bought it. It's not a bulky book.. in fact more like a short research paper. It mostly talked about what I've taken for granted my very small semi-exprience in theatre. However its very interesting to put your finger on things you've never worded right before. To be conscious to what you know and how to further develop it through theorization.


Blogger White Wings said...

my main interest and the concentration of my studies is drama and theatre..
how cool, I will keep watch for books you recommend
Thanks :)

5:58 AM  
Blogger antihero said...

These are the best I found.. others don't look "original". Many, especially old egyptian writers copy/translate/collect famous western books and publish them. The old Arabic library is filled with these, but a new generation of dramatists who's knowledge of English or French liberate them from these types of books.
But the ones I found.. i leafed through them and I found that they were pretty original. Many of the writers are either experiences directors or distinguished scholars.

Irreplaceable though.. are the few issues left from the journal abovementioned. المسرح
amazing.. these are hard to get.. books can be found easily later.. but journals i know out of experience that they're really valuable and irreplaceable if lost.

11:55 AM  
Blogger White Wings said...

certainly, journals are rare, it is a great win to find an older one...becomes a Collectible
thanks for the info, I will certainly check these books out once I get a chance
are you interested in WEstern Theatre, modern western theatre is my specialty :)
All the best

10:13 PM  
Blogger antihero said...

Yes i am interested in western literature and any literature as a matter of fact. Haven't got around to read many western plays; however I have been in a production (abridged though) of a Samuel Beckett play, Waiting for Godot (I'm a big fan of the Absurd). But I have generally surveyed the history of English and American literature and its different writers and canons


2:34 AM  
Blogger Naser said...

Salam, I can't say I'm familiar with any of those books. Yet, I think it's great to find some intellectual whose interested in drama & masra7. Afterall, in my humble opinion, we need a revolution when it comes to the screen. ra7at ayam el shows elsan3a. BTW, I too am interested bil masra7eyat wel mosalsalat.

8:01 AM  
Blogger felicityq8 said...

we have books worms ;p

wallah i went to mshrf with my friend just to buy " women from zahra and men from mree5"" ... ahm shai the interaction between arabic and english :p

i donot have a specific book in mind,,, and even if i had,, i know it would be banned ;p

btw... a very big thanx for u anti,, for coming to my gallery :)

i really appreciate it :)

10:17 AM  
Blogger antihero said...


I've spoken, in an interview i made for a research, to many famous very old esteemed actors. Only one or two knew who Brecht was.. the others... well, lets just say base their knowledge on experience only. Which is good if you work in a good environment where theater both the select and popular one are presented with the same passion and love for the work of art. Many great directors we had..

Then it turned political..
That's when you started to see something different.. that there were two types of theatre emerging.. an artistic one and a popular one for the common audience.

Then few years before the Iraqi invasion it split even more painfully. Till after 1991... the capitalists controlled theatre.. and it was a new way of making good easy money. Actors were turned into machines, directors into puppets by producers making money of the new generation who perceives theatre as Farce and farce only.

there is a new wave of well-educated generation of dramatists in the Gulf.. but where are they? they're producing their works where it is appreciated or moving their interest to filmmaking or other performance arts genres. One very good example is Suliman Al-Bassam.

His play was performed in Kuwait for 3 days for FREE! the audience could not exceed a thousand in the three nights if not less and much less i think (most of them were members of elite-culture life and non-kuwaitis, diplomats and such..) But the very same play toured the world, performed in NY, Tokoyo, London.. and many other world capitals, and in London where it is staged.. the ticket could amount as i recall to 20 or even to 30 pounds.

our mosalsalat are terrible.. in fact TV production in the arab world sucks :P
however i heard elferya is really good.. its been highly recommended by respectable dramatists and different writers and people who's profession is literature and arts.. saying that it is a once in a long time series.

10:59 AM  
Blogger antihero said...

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Interesting.. heard alot about it but never read it. Been busy reading boring books.. bulky boring books :P

Thanks for the invitation :)

11:04 AM  
Blogger Naser said...

I don't know who to blame. The ignorant audience who actually condone with the present drama and t.v. situation. OR the evil evil evil producers whom are just testing the limit, trying to find out how far they can push it and get away with it.

3:27 PM  
Blogger antihero said...


The audience :D


you're always blank :P

12:26 PM  
Blogger White Wings said...

you acted in a Beckett play?
oh boy, do we have things to talk about!!

1:04 PM  

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