جريدة الوطن
الثلاثاء 14 / 11/ 2006
سكان من غير الكويتيين بينهم
What I admire about Kuwaitis
is their hospitable nature...
how could we be accused of Xenophobia?
I was shocked to hear so...
Tell me about this
How would they react if the government of a Western nation decided upon the request of the residents of a certain area/neighborhood or even a building, not to welcome any Middle-easterns.. especially Kuwaitis?
The blue passport that I hold, blinds me
I no longer see where I stand
I, Amnesiac, am excused not to recall that, I as a Kuwaiti, descened from a nation from heaven; a people chosen by God, not different but rather superior to base human beings. We're a nation of Demigods... indeed we are.
damn you amnesia.
الثلاثاء 14 / 11/ 2006
هددوا باللجوء للقضاء إذا خصصت حسينية للطائفة في الضاحية
أهالي حطين: 3 فلل في منطقتنا مؤجرة كدور عبادة للبهرة
أهالي حطين: 3 فلل في منطقتنا مؤجرة كدور عبادة للبهرة
وحول رفضهم تخصيص حسينية للبهرة في منطقتهم أورد الاهالي عددا من الاسباب منها ان منطقتنا نموذجية وجميع سكانها من الاسر الكويتية ولها خصوصياتها الاجتماعية وان القوانين المعمول بها في البلاد لا تسمح في ذلك سواء كان للسكن او لدور العبادة ما لم يوافق اصحاب العلاقة وهم الجيران وان وجود حسينية «للبهرة» او سكن هؤلاء البهرة قد يؤدي في المستقبل الى تغيير استعمالات المنطقة وتحويلها من منطقة سكنية الى غرض اخر او استعمال اخر و بالتالي لا نرى مسوغا لذلك حيث، قد يؤدي وجود هذه الحسينية الي مشاكل مرورية واجتماعية وخلاف ذلك كما ان اغلب سكان المنطقة ان لم نقل جميعهم لا يرغبون بوجود حسينية للبهرة او
سكان من غير الكويتيين بينهم
What I admire about Kuwaitis
is their hospitable nature...
how could we be accused of Xenophobia?
I was shocked to hear so...
Tell me about this
How would they react if the government of a Western nation decided upon the request of the residents of a certain area/neighborhood or even a building, not to welcome any Middle-easterns.. especially Kuwaitis?
The blue passport that I hold, blinds me
I no longer see where I stand
I, Amnesiac, am excused not to recall that, I as a Kuwaiti, descened from a nation from heaven; a people chosen by God, not different but rather superior to base human beings. We're a nation of Demigods... indeed we are.
damn you amnesia.
yes, we do have an ego problem
shame, this stand is simply shameful
excellent post :)
ana kuwaiti , ana , ana gool o f3l o 3zoomi guiah ...
hehhehehe ,, 3adi ana in state of fa9la... so pardon me... i can not comment now, coz the prof is staring at me, and i suppose to do some exsercise .... lool
ta ta
white wings
annoying, isn't it? when the same people become extremely defensive against international organization's different reports about the state of human rights and religious freedom in Kuwait.
good girl.. keep up the good work its your last semester.. you might as well go bad :P
blue ice envy bis
Bohras, or Bahara.. (different pronounciations) are one of the major Muslim sects. The majority are Indian or Pakistani nationals. Don't you see indians or pakistanis bearded with a strange looking bright "ga7fiyya" ? that's the cultural stereotype, at least the religious ones stick to this cultural dress code.
I'm not surprised.. I'm disgusted
If you ever read the "Old Testament", You'd find a strange resemblance between many of "modern day kuwaitis" and "biblical time jews". I'm utterly sorry to say, but we've got many pretenious people.
blue ice envy bis
yeah well.. its not weird or new, i know that. I myself and other have seen the acts of this society and how it looks upon others. Maybe we're ALL racists.. but one who is conscious to his/her problem of racism can fight it. But others are not.
laish y3ni? ohma a7san mennah bshno? We too are the chosen people :P We shall inherit the earth and rule the world, we're a nation of kings meant to stop those sub-humans from worshipping whatever mumbo-jumbo god they're worshipping.
تبون الصج ؟
انا مو باط جبدي اللي هالواطي اللي قايل ما نبي غير كويتيين في المنطقة
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