Monday, May 21, 2007

a king

What's the point in expecting people to like you?

I have been seeking that for a very long time, and now losing interest. If I know for sure that my unattractive style of speech and my choice of words does not appeal to the shallow people surrounding me, tell me why should I be shallow as they are? I find no reason.

Some have criticized my outward appearance suggesting an "attitude". Maybe I do have that problem.

تعرفون قصة جحا، حمار جحا، ابن جحا، و كلام الناس؟

People I knew online and met later in reality suggested that too; that my offline appearance says that I am a self-conceited person for giving the impression through my body language and slow contemplative replies to their questions or comments. Contrary to the opinion of most people... I seem to have had the exact opposite impression on other people. In cultural circles in Kuwait or outside where one meets with people who look for more than the outward appearance as an answer for their constant questioning of the person in front of them. I do not brag about this... but ask, why?

A friend provided me with an answer I find the best till now; the majority are shallow, the specific minority you met are not as shallow or at least... are familiar with the idea that a person is not judged by his appearance (all the time).

What I mean by specific minority is that I may have had a different impression on a small number of people that goes against the opinion of most people, however this small number could be similar in their ideas, backgrounds or any factor affecting their judgements; or they could be different.
For example, a person could have a certain impression on all people except for a small number or are all different. He would be considered by all people as an ass... however by a dissimilar minority he is a sweetheart; dissimilar = one could be a barbar, an old aunt, a child, an old eccentric teacher.. etc. A specific minority would be for example.. that all that find him a sweetheart are a certain specified group = women in their mid 30s (one wonders why though), or his/her co-workers, old people.. etc.

I had a good impression on a specific minority. A good specific minority.

However.. the majority base their judgements and how they decide to treat me and interpret my well-intentioned words as rude, violating, offending.. and so on. That's what's annoying. A judgement would then get carried away to make decisions for me; when I find myself suddenly treated always as an outsider in environments where I need to be within a group; not to be an individual.

heck... I don't want to be your friend
I need not another shallow person.

The friends I have now are the best I could get... we discuss matters seriously; we're honest no matter how blunt it may sound.. but we are honest. Why should I be on display with shallow friends who would get hurt by the least comment I make about how they're dressed? When all I mean is when uttering (regretfully) that blunt comment is "please don't make a fool of yourself".

I'm not perfect... that's why I don't need shallow friends. Shallow people my dear not-shallow readers, believe that friendship is about being nice to your friends. I believe its about being honest. Let this person whom I care about hate me for a comment or a suggestion; but won't he eventually take my comment seriously one day and think about it?
if I was wrong... he would appreciate my honesty of speaking my mind
if I was right... he would appreciate my honesty in pointing out his flaws.

I did that many times... I was offended by some of my friends' comments. But when I slept on it... I realized... man they're right. Then I asked myself another question.. would they have said that to anyone? no...
They must be really good friends.

I putting my plays on hold... my plan now is to indulge myself in theatre and in drama as an art, a literary genre and as a performance. Read more and join professional theatre groups and take whatever I can get of acting lessons and such.
I owe it to a friend who upon reading my play honestly told me that it isn't that good.. and I should do better and suggested the above.
If you say I'm bad and stop there. You're an enemy
If you say I'm bad and tell me how not to be. You're a great friend

I was blessed with such friends.

Anyway I'm going back to short-stories and inter-genre writings. I'm getting better and on the way of having my own line and becoming just a bit.. known. I know that when some people who never met me come up to me and say.. you wrote that? whether they think its good or bad.. its just a step!

Beardism is my belief
a beard is about telling everyone one of two things
I'm free... I don't care about you
I'm too lazy to shave.

Both represent me personally and other great leaders and intellectuals. The World is in need of great beardists again.

Fat'h Ali Shah Qajar (1771 - 1834) فتح علي شاه قاجار

One of the greatest Beardist
Shahanshah of Persia
The King of Kings
A Great Patron of arts


Blogger White Wings said...

true, a good friend is an honest friend, but we cannot deny the importnace of "style", the way you tell your friends of your opinions..and dear, when you accuse the majority of people around u as "asses" and find goodness in a minority, then there might be a problem. the openion of an average person is important as much as that of a great thinker, being nice to an "average" person however you define that, is a good thing and not a hypocratical act at all
and what's wrong with women in their mid thirties? :)

12:25 AM  
Blogger antihero said...

ah.. Sorry
I got the wrong message conveyed. Yes I'm for being nice. You'd have to see the efforts I'm making to smile and make as good impressions as possible. Many of the wrong impressions are caused by my emotionless poker face which I keep. And that I tried to fix. However I'm talking about the phase that follows the first impression but still is in the area of the first impression. When people are still examining you. I always fail.. because they still have the first impression carved into their brains the moment they saw me; thus making it hard to change what they have already made about me.
I'm for being nice to people.. but I'm just a sociopath :D

I have nothing against women in their mid-thirties.. Its not easy to impress and win the love of a woman in her mid-thirties. A man who is capable of that.. is of a rare dying breed. Men who are mature and experienced.

1:35 AM  
Blogger Navy Girl said...

Well you know very well that appearances can be deceptive, I mean its not just a saying it’s a fact. Sometimes its not right to judge any person by the way he looks or the way he talks.. but we can’t help but to do so , since we are so afraid to across that line to find out who s/he really is . The truth to be said I’ve been mislead by appearances so many times, and I do admit it to the person afterwards . Some people tend to judge others by the first impression they got over them, and never change it no matter what happens. But I tend to KNOW people, and after that my assumption is either right or terribly wrong !! My scenario of making things right , is to go and tell them , right to their face , sometimes its better to tell them , cause I believe that they will do lot better without it . Once I had this idea about a certain person, I never attempted to start a conversation with. the gloomy look on her face kept me away . With a strange incident I came to know her better and just right then we became real good friends. So my point is you can fear people, you have the right to do that, but never fear to cross that line.

11:32 AM  
Blogger White Wings said...

i understand, it is just human nature to fall under first impressions and stay down :)
and women in their mid-thirties are hard to please, you're absolutely right, they are beautiful, established, smart and lively, what more can you give them to please them ;)

11:22 PM  
Blogger Deema said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:17 AM  
Blogger Deema said...

i don't know why but it just happened that i read lots of blogs these days either explaining or analyzing themselves.i did this before, maybe not on the blog but to my friends...
and now i find more interest in looking outside myself,to look at the surrounding with an eye of beauty..
because your meaning was obvious from your title: a king
you should view "alra3iya" a bit and you will find it much more iteresting than your bear.
and take the lead in viewing.

5:20 AM  
Blogger antihero said...


interesting interpretation for my post, but I try to dissociate the title from the post itself, having the title be about something in the post that is so unimportant, usually its the last thing I mention. But that you see it this way.. then it is true :) I believe in what readers read no matter how different the author's intention was.

thanks for visiting ;)

2:36 PM  
Blogger Deema said...

well that's my way too :) thanks for understanding :)

4:29 PM  

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