Thursday, August 24, 2006

O Saki

my life is on hold right now

Inspired by "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell, I say...
It is strange to feel sorry for people who commit suicide; to escape what is too "life-like". I used to think of them as really desperate people with problems that are worse than our worst nightmares. However upon reading more about the human psyche and its powers. Those who commit suicide are not worthy of life; to escape?
Pathetic people that deserve nothing of our sympathy. Why should they deserve our sympathy if they decided that they're too weak to face what everyone could go through? Had they decided to kill the self that has accepted to die physically... they would've been reborn to a self that would endure life as it is, a bitter one with a difficult never-ending maze of choices.

I'm losing weight.. and I'm starting to like my job.
The manager assigned me to do something that is nowhere around the area of my job "title". I thought it over.. and I said I'm doing nothing of my job title.. so why not just do this... because I know if I said no she will say "fine.." and assign me to do the job I am supposed to be doing.. which I'm not doing right now because I'm new and still getting to know the job. Meaning extra work... plus her spite. So why not do a job that is so easy instead of being an idealist and fight back...
sometimes courage is overrated. I say, be a coward and win friends on your side in such a lousy workplace.

Antique books!
Its been almost a year now since I found this Antique Bookstore! They sell really old books and other really interesting items. Like buttons from the Ottoman Egypt, antique matchboxes, old movie posters. I loved these antique official papers over two centuries old! It was official mumbo jumbo about loans and seizing land or something like that.. must've been horrible for whoever received it.. yet its just beautiful to have something 2 centuries old in your room.
There's this little dictionary of medical terms that belonged to a med student in Cairo University in 1925! The price tag read KD 75! Bah I could buy a better one in KU's bookstore for KD 2.
Old newspapers, old magazines... and man they had sexy models back then. It is disturbing though to see a picture of an actress who back then was young and sexy. Now she looks more like a creature from wall carvings of Babylon or Greece, half ugly old human, half God-forsaken mutilated animal.

Its called Dar Dawood Publishing.
Its in Almubarakiyya, Al-Souk Al-Dakhli... just walk around and you'll notice it.

اوكي ... وين محلات الصرافة في الديرة ؟
آخر الشارع ... السوق المسقف آخر الشارع هذا السوق الداخلي
يم ديوانية الرعيل الأول , دار داوود للنشر

ساغرم شكست
اي ساقي

My cup is broken
O Cupbearer

كأسي مكسورة
يا ساقي


Blogger antihero said...

Thanks :)
Keep visiting this little realm of mine

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i'll have problems in re-visiting if u kept that kind of talk about "courage is overrated". problems like wanting to أدش داخل الشاشة and ...

come on man! u sound very smart and cultured and quite of a stay out of trouble-nice guy. but dear على قولة الأغنية
"we are young,
we are strong,
no one can tell us we're wrong"

but u r wrong! it's not about courage. it's about you with a right to do the job that your title requires. but it's not your right to give that right up. by choosing the easy way out u r being no different than them suiciders that u mentioned except for the smaller scale of the matter.

i'm sure your charm and good maners will get you through easily. take care youngin ;)

3:30 AM  
Blogger antihero said...

I'm kidding!
My choice for doing the job which is not originally mine.. is a choice of laziness not cowardice. Back in university I waged a war against this drunken teacher for denying me my right of 1/2 a mark! You'd think this guy would easily say yes.. it was a lazy yes, in fear of being assigned more work as revenge :P

8:50 AM  

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